Saturday, November 1, 2008

Where I am - Confused

From the Log . . .

The log entries are trapped on a hard drive in a dead laptop. Log entries will continue when I can surgically remove the hard drive and plug it into another laptop. (Sigh)

Meanwhile, some really cool confusion has set in. I bought a Garmin Oregon 400t GPS unit and Bluecharts. At some point I'll delve into the trials and tribulations surrounding getting it all working together and getting my self trained in it's use. At this point I think I know how to use it, but haven't figured out how to solve the chicken and egg experience of finding which waypoint symbols work best on the small color map of the GPS unit. It's very easy to make the chart in MapSource, but in the process of transferring updating and displaying the waypoints, it's all a little confused, with multiple waypoints with different symbols overlaid on top of each other.

Meanwhile, I've created routes and waypoints and am anticipating a confused and frustrating learning experience tomorrow as I take it out and try to use it under 'real' circumstances.

Here is a close up of one portion of the chart with the confusion removed.
On the next post I should have a cool chart of a route, with the track of our sailing adventure on the same page.

Stay tuned.

But before I post this blog, I want to mention that a spouse of a friend is currently out in the Atlantic Ocean off Virgina Beach racing in NARC with a GPS locator. As of right now, this is what his positions look like:

The link to that page is:

I couldn't help but reflect on the history of how the world has been flattened between Sept. 1953 and now. Somewhere in my garage is a paper map with my Grandfather's noon positions marked on it during his trip. That chart had to make it home before anyone could look at it.

Now . . .