Sunday, March 15, 2009

Living at the speed of Kuai

My posts are becoming few and far between.

I'm finally living at the speed of life, and blogging is well . . . not living, just writing about living.

There is a marvelous video, which explains this perfectly. I would link to if I knew how. Just go here and click on the 'Why Meetup?" in the 'New to Meetup? videos box.

When I raced Olympic Tornados back as a young lad, there was this phenomena about capsizing that boat. In order for that boat to capsize, it has to slow down. You could avoid capsizing by sailing fast. If you focused on sailing fast, you were in no danger of violating the 'cloth side up, pointy end forward' rule.

That is a good thing, because to get that boat upright after a capsize was more difficult than it going further over and being cloth side down, or 'going turtle' in sailor language. Recovering from a turtle position was difficult. The only time I turned that boat over it was in the spectacular form of a cartwheel during a jibe around Pt. Blunt.

It took the Larkspur Ferry, as well as the Coast Guard to get me back up. I had a young lady in half a wet suit on board, and I suspect that I could have gotten it back up eventually, but her presence kind of attracted attention. So much attention, she distracted an entire Ferry boat. She wound up going back to the club in the company of the coasties, who encouraged her to disrobe and warm up in front of the heater . . . oh well.

I single handed the boat back from Angel Island after breaking a rudder on a rocky beach that day. Heaterless and crewless.

Enough thinking about the past, I'm in the fast lane now. I've joined Team Kaui, and am back in the saddle, fully engaged in Yacht Racing. Check out the team's home page and you'll understand the use of "Kuai" in the title of this post.

I'm also joined's San Francisco Bay Sailing Meetup Group

So if you don't hear for me for a while, don't worry, I've kicked the flu bug out of my body, am living large and will get back to posting when things slow down just a little bit.

Please look into Join and come sailing with me some time. If you do, you'll get your picture on my friends list.

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